Chris Murphy
Voice Artist
CALL NOW!  (540) 220-9090‬ 
Chris Murphy P O Box 5317, Fredericksburg, VA 22405 540.737-8039
Really simple. Reasonable rates!

$75 for each group of 150 words.
Voice mail greetings start at $35!
How do I count the words?

If you do not have MS-Word or the like, you can use a service like,

What is considered a word?

Although Wal-mart looks like it two words, is one word, as it is spoken that way. is actually six words.  One for each word, and then one for the word "DOT" and one for "COM".  This is very important when trying to figure out a one minute read.  Typically a naturally spoken read is about 150 words long.  Telephone numbers are another area to address.  Each number is a word.  Thank goodness we no longer need to say W W W anymore.

Now I'm confused, if I send you the script or a powerpoint, can you provide me a quote?

You bet!  Here is my email.